主演:约翰·兰道夫 弗朗西丝·瑞德 芭芭拉·沃勒 埃特加斯坦利 莫瑞·汉密尔顿 杰夫·科里 威尔·吉尔 理查德·安德森 罗克·赫德森 韦斯利·阿迪 莎乐美·延斯 内德里克·扬 多迪·希斯 伊丽莎白弗雷泽 威廉·温特索尔 卡尔·斯温森 Thom Conroy Frank Campanella Robert Brubaker Dorothy Morris Carla Balenda Burt Brandon Helen Brown Irving Burns Fritz Ford John Francis 大卫·加菲
简介:Middle-aged banker Arthur Hamilton is given the opportunity to start a completely new life when he receives calls from his old friend Charlie. The only problem is that Charlie is supposed to be dead. Hamilton is eventually introduced to a firm that will fake his death and create an entirely new look and life for him. After undergoing physical reconstruction surgery and months of training and psychotherapy, Hamilton returns to the world in the form of artist Tony Wilson. He has a nice house in Malibu and a manservant, a company employee who is there to assist him with his adjustment. He finds that the life he had hoped for isn't quite what he expected and asks the company to go through the process with surprising results. Written by garykmcd
主演:雅罗斯拉夫·库切拉 伊万娜·卡尔班诺娃 埃斯特尔·克伦巴赫乔娃 伊特卡·采尔霍娃 Marie Cesková Jirina Myskova Marcela Brezinová Julius Albert Oldrich Hora Jan Klusák Václav Chochola Josef Konícek Jaromír Vomácka Miroslava Babúrková J. Bartos Oldrich Basus Jirina Cesková
简介:影片开始于两个都叫玛丽的少女(Jitka Cerhová 和 Ivana Karbanová 饰)的对话:没有人理解我们,这个世界上的一切正在变得越来越糟糕。于是两人决定:我们也要变得越来越坏!玛丽一号喜欢和老男人约会,在他们吃饭的时候,玛丽二号会突然出现,旁若无人地大吃特吃。玛丽一号把老男人送上火车,老男人以为她会陪着他,火车开动,她却下了火车。玛丽二号在一个收藏蝴蝶标本的男青年家中,用他的标本遮住自己身体的隐秘部位。她们在夜总会里捣乱,最后被赶走。她们无意中闯入一个没有人的宴会,开始肆无忌惮地享受美食.....本片献给精神生活一团糟的人们。